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Document Management System

  • webkrafting12

  • 22/09/2024

Document Management System


  • Keep records organized by their respective document types.
  • Add additional information according to the Document Type.
  • Manage different version of Documents.
  • Implement multi-level approval processes with the flexibility to accommodate various approval hierarchies.
  • Document Attachment
  • Review documents at different stages, such as before they are sent for approval or after approval has been granted.
  • Metadata search engine
  • Interactive workflow interfaces
  • Central repository for all documents within the same Document Management System (DMS).
  • User administration
  • Multilingual interface supporting languages such as English, Arabic etc.
  • Email and in-app notifications for items based on expiration dates or status changes
  • Tracking and logging of user actions (Audit Trail)
  • Document configuration for setting retention and destruction periods with automated notifications
  • Electronic signature functionality
  • API Integration with RFID
  • Compatibility with printers and scanners
  • Scanning documents directly through the application
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for text detection in each document
  • Template filling through the system
  • Creating of duplicate document
  • Integration with different platforms (ERP, CRM)

Document Management System

World class Document Management System in Kuwait